Jul 12, 2012

First steps of my baby boy

It is an amazing feeling when you see first steps of your baby!

Yesterday, Léon made his 3 first steps! he is 11 months at the moment. He is sooooo cute!

Babies are very different in progressing with walking or crawling. My baby boy was not happy about laying on his stomack or crawling on his knees, so he would always prefer to stand up and walk with my help.

Before his first steps, he was exploring our first floor by holding to the different objects for 2 weeks, he was very happy to move without our help (so were we).

Yesterday I was on the phone with my dad, and suddenly I could see that Léon started to walk without any support :) That was so great to see his FIRST steps, also my husband was at home & I could share it with my dad. This was just a perfect moment!

Happy walking everyone! <3 <3

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