May 31, 2011

THE picture

What is LV for you? How many bags do you own?
For me, it is style, welth and LOVE ;) It is my diamants!
All my 3 bags I got from my LOVE, but my "LV love" goes to all my bags, and I hope many more future bags...

May 27, 2011


We are moving...
It is soo boring to move from one place to another. To pack your stuff for one week, then unpack... oh, Lord.
So I decided not to do it, I am just relaxing from my baby and letting my husbannd to put things in the truck we just rented. Anyway, he has his own plan to put things there, why should I ruin his plan?
Next week we are living in the small town, still in France and it is NOT a village. I hope to be happy there. Kisses....

May 22, 2011

Your glamorous summer

                                                 Take a look at our new arrivals in the shop

May 20, 2011

Marc Ellis shoes on

Yeh, finally, we got them straight from Italy. The finest quality and truly amazing heels from Marc Ellis.
Buy them from today.

May 15, 2011

Nice Sunday

Nice Sunday with my daughter in Copenhagen. It have a been a while when I spend all day with her, alone. It was so strange, not having any appointments and have all day off.
Slowly saing goodbye to my city, because in 2 days are we going back to France.
Thanks to all my friends here, who made this time so nice and worth to remember.


May 14, 2011

Who is your favourite?

Mine is Alexej Vorobjov! His voice is touching my heart, especially when he sings in russian. He is a new generation of Elvis!! I vote for him tonight.

May 13, 2011

today at Sluseholmen

The new fashion area of apartments in Copenhagen is Sluseholmen, Sydhavn.

Sluseholmen is today dominated by the Sluseholmen Canal District development with 1,150 apartments, located on artificial islands and separated by dug-out canals.

May 10, 2011


Soon is Eurovision final.
I am sitting and following the semi-final and the only thing I can see - barbie dolls without voice. Is it the image for the eurovision singer? No talet, but long legs????
I really hope for the best, fx. talented naked man? :)))))))
Anyway, if this Saturday the winner is Barbie, I am not writing anything about this competition anymore, it will be just NO COMMENTS from me.

May 8, 2011

Frederiksberg Garden

It is my favourite park in Copenhagen. I remember when I just met my husband we went there quite often for a walk, for a picnic or just to take sun. The park is full of beautifull trees, plants, lot's of birds and you can even see the elaphants from the side of a zoo. Near the main entrance there is a flower garden and a gallery for art, this time it was french inspired paintings and posters. We had a great fun when we have seen the paintings, but we laughed almost out loud when we have seen the prices.

The park is huge, so if you would like to see it all, take your best walking shoes :)

May 7, 2011

Copenhagen Sakura Festival 2011

This week-end, on Langelinje is Copenhagen Sakura Festival. You can enjoy open air, under the cherry trees with nice japanees people and you can visit different workshops with japanees art. There you can also hear amazing life concert from danish kids.

May 1, 2011

Perfect man?

Believe me, you can only dream about perfect man, cuz he does not excist! It is nice to have dreams though... ;)