Feb 28, 2011

Oscar 2011

She looked stunning!!!! and she is pregnant with a french guy! and... she won the OSCAR for "black swan" movie. She totally deserved it, cuz to be so devoted to her role, to practise 1 year ballet, just for this role...well, I am a fan.

Feb 27, 2011

Black Swan

Today it was the movie day, I have finally seen the "black swan" with Natalie Portman.
The movie is like no other, I would not say it was the best movie I have ever seen, but it was special and exciting. The first part is pretty boring, the second was with much more action and BLACK stuff.
This is a movie for girls/women, not for men, so go to see it with your girlfriend or sister ;)

p.s. the funny coincidance, when I stood up from my sofa, the white feather fall down :) am I a white swan?
I guess so...

Feb 26, 2011

so tasty!

My husband's french cookies are soooo tasty, Elizabeth was just MAD about them. She could not handle it, and she was eating them very fast... so we had to give away, like half of it to our neighbors.

Feb 25, 2011

my banner

If you have a web-site or a blog, then you can have 10% off from all our products at http://www.glamyou.com/

You should just add my banner on your web-site or a blog and let me know ;)

Feb 23, 2011

Homemade wrap paper

If you care, about our environment then you can do the same wrapping paper for your next package to send.
Take your old fashion magazines, rip some pages with only pictures (less text is better, so the post people don't get confused),

then, cut the edges with scissors, so it looks nice and then it is just the work of tape :)

This is my magazine wrap package, is going to Denmark with some nice brouges from ShoeBiz.

another woman I admire


Yeh, do you really think she cares about the NBA?

Feb 21, 2011

Bruno Mars - Grenade [Official Music Video]

Well, another cool young singer Peter Gene Hernandez or Bruno Mars. Yeh, of course it would be silly to use his own name :) Bruno Mars is more short and catchy. His music is extremely beautiful ,the text are like no other texts, he is genius! Congratulations, Peter! you did it!! ;)

Feb 19, 2011

Medina - Addiction (Official Music Video) HD

I just posted the video yesterday, and today I got my ELLE magazine from DK, Medina is on the front page, and ELLE called her the coolest danish person

Eat spinach

My passion at the moment is to cook, I can cook all day long. Well, here I want to share with you my new lasagne recipe that is WITHOUT meat.
the content:
300g fresh champignons
5 middle size tomatos
1 onion
3 spoons of olive oil
3 spoons of oregano
3 tea spoons of salt
500g of spinach (so healthy!)
300g of lasagne pasta, or just pasta
50g butter (salted)
4 spoons of flour
6dl of milk, around 4 glasses
100g mozarella

So, let's begin: wash mushrooms, cut onion in small pieces, chop tomates, not too small.
add olive oil to the pan, fry mushrooms and onion. Add tomatos, put oregano, salt and pepper.

turn on the oven till 180 C° warm air 200C°.
Smear a little bit of oil to the plate you will make your lasagne in. Put the first layer of spinach at the botton, lasagne pasta, then add the miw of mushrooms,tomatos.
tip! don't put the juice from this sauce, or else it will be too liquide at the end.

you can do two/three layers, but the milk sauce should be on top of mushroom mix.

Melt butter, add flour and mix it well. While you are mixing it add milk with cuted mozarella cheese. Boil the sauce, until it will get thick, mix it all the time. Add salt and pepper.

Put your sauce on top of the plate with lasange on top of the mushroom mix and let it in the oven around 35-40 min.

tip nr.2 :) I served my lasagne with fresh (home made) white bread and salmon dressing, it was a success.

So the salmon dressing is EASY.
Take some greek jougurt and mix it with a mixer with pieces of smoked salmon, add some small chopped  fresh cucomber on top for deco.

Enjoy and bon appetite!

Feb 17, 2011

My porcelain

I love my porcelain. When ever I have a break, I will enjoy with great pleasure cup of tea of some organic and tasty flavour tea. Today I am having african rooibos caffein free vanilla :) I bought in Denmark.
The cup on the picture is a gift from my friend Dasha "copenhagen royal" and this charming teapot I bought this summer in France.

Feb 14, 2011

Be my Valentine!!

I wish you will always love me, as I love you :)))
and today I made sushi for a dinner, Elizabeth liked it a lot, she could eat it, and asked for more, so now we can take her to a sushi resto, that's my girl.

Feb 12, 2011

chocco cherry

Today in Brive, I descover a new drink that you can get in the cafe. Chocco cherry... yammi. It is a hot chocolate with a lot of cream on top, cherry flavour sirup and chocolat sirup on top. It is an energy bomb, so don't take any cookies or cakes with it, enjoy it next time you are in some nice coffe shop.

Feb 9, 2011

and now I am 30!

Yes, it is hard to realize but I am not 20 anymore, and I am just fine with it :)
The best present for my birthday was to see all my friends and their family. It was soOo nice. Thank you guys you could be there. I wish I could stay longer with you, but Elizabeth was kind of not happy this day :( It was a first mommy's birthday for her. Well, who knows, may be she is already starting to be jealous??
 danish beauty Caroline
 nice serbian friends Dragana and Djordge with our lovely friend Madhav
 my lovely family
 Dasha, came from Swiss, love you! My favourite red hair girls Irina and Julija :)) You look like twins now! Cool!
 well, our club of young mommy's. Anja, Elena and Maria.
 merci, to Mikkel and Franck
 Mark and Janne with her lovely Hannah
Godmother Beata, with her two princesses Natalia and Julija.

Feb 1, 2011

So excited

yeh, I am very excited. This thursday we are going to CPH. I have so many plans... and they are very important. First of all, I will decide for sure if I am going to work in CPH from april, if yes, then we have to find the appartement to rent. Then I am going to CFW, where I will see hundrends of brands and will try to decide what is best for GlamYou.com.
Then, I invited 20 friends to my 30's year birthday! well, with their kids it might be 30 people in all!!! OMG!
And all that... in 5 days? It is a little bit too much for my slow village life.
But I am very, very excited, because I will see ALL my friends, which I haven't seen and talked to in many, many months.