Jan 21, 2012

When to start solid food? Baby food when and what.

The clever people say:
babies should start to eat solid at 5,2 months.
First time they should try is a carrot and apple!
So, that´s how it goes:
the first three days
- at 12 a.m. 2 tea spoons of carrot puree
- at 4 p.m. 2 tea spoons of apple puree
the next three days
- at 12 a.m. 3 tea spoons of zuccini puree
- at 4 p.m. 3 tea spoons of pear puree
the next three days
for the fruits
the fruits should not be excotic, that means that if in your country you don´t grow these fuits, it is better not ti give them to your baby, apples are fine :)) or just wait summer!

Do not add sault before 1 year to the food of a baby and alwayd try to buy organic food.

Jan 11, 2012


Happy New 2012!

Are you ready for the next Baby Shower?
I am always ready for this happy  occasion, I have some new baby clothes or baby shoes in the closet of my kids, which I would be happy to give away to our next friend´s baby boy or baby girl for a "welcome to the world" present.
Sale time is the best time for this kind of presents! I would love to spend some extra 20 EUR on a cute pair of shoes or some nice baby dress.
It is easy to compare prices on the internet than in normal shops, so I just want to give you a tip to this store where you can buy the best babyshower present ever! I just bought these nice white pair of shoes