The clever people say:
babies should start to eat solid at 5,2 months.
First time they should try is a carrot and apple!
So, that´s how it goes:
babies should start to eat solid at 5,2 months.
First time they should try is a carrot and apple!
So, that´s how it goes:
the first three days
- at 12 a.m. 2 tea spoons of carrot puree
- at 4 p.m. 2 tea spoons of apple puree
the next three days
- at 12 a.m. 3 tea spoons of zuccini puree
- at 4 p.m. 3 tea spoons of pear puree
the next three days
for the fruits
the fruits should not be excotic, that means that if in your country you don´t grow these fuits, it is better not ti give them to your baby, apples are fine :)) or just wait summer!
- at 12 a.m. 2 tea spoons of carrot puree
- at 4 p.m. 2 tea spoons of apple puree
the next three days
- at 12 a.m. 3 tea spoons of zuccini puree
- at 4 p.m. 3 tea spoons of pear puree
the next three days
for the fruits
the fruits should not be excotic, that means that if in your country you don´t grow these fuits, it is better not ti give them to your baby, apples are fine :)) or just wait summer!
Do not add sault before 1 year to the food of a baby and alwayd try to buy organic food.
This is soooo funny, because I dont have kids, but just the other day I was lying in bed and I was thinking 'omg, when do you start feeding your baby real baby food? or do they just drink milk forever in the beginning?' I must have been really tired because it seriously started freaking me out :) Now I know :) Thanks
Why shouldnt the fruits be exotic though?
Thank you for your comment :) it is also very funny to watch them eating from the spoon the first month or so. Then, it becomes a catastrophe, cuz half of a food on the plate going on the floor... and just before they are 2 years old :)) exotic fruits are not recommended because they provoke allergy.
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