the content:
300g fresh champignons
5 middle size tomatos
1 onion
3 spoons of olive oil
3 spoons of oregano
3 tea spoons of salt
500g of spinach (so healthy!)
300g of lasagne pasta, or just pasta
50g butter (salted)
4 spoons of flour
6dl of milk, around 4 glasses
100g mozarella
So, let's begin: wash mushrooms, cut onion in small pieces, chop tomates, not too small.
add olive oil to the pan, fry mushrooms and onion. Add tomatos, put oregano, salt and pepper.
turn on the oven till 180 C° warm air 200C°.
Smear a little bit of oil to the plate you will make your lasagne in. Put the first layer of spinach at the botton, lasagne pasta, then add the miw of mushrooms,tomatos.
tip! don't put the juice from this sauce, or else it will be too liquide at the end.
you can do two/three layers, but the milk sauce should be on top of mushroom mix.
Melt butter, add flour and mix it well. While you are mixing it add milk with cuted mozarella cheese. Boil the sauce, until it will get thick, mix it all the time. Add salt and pepper.
Put your sauce on top of the plate with lasange on top of the mushroom mix and let it in the oven around 35-40 min.
tip nr.2 :) I served my lasagne with fresh (home made) white bread and salmon dressing, it was a success.
So the salmon dressing is EASY.
Take some greek jougurt and mix it with a mixer with pieces of smoked salmon, add some small chopped fresh cucomber on top for deco.
Enjoy and bon appetite!

Today in Brive, I descover a new drink that you can get in the cafe. Chocco cherry... yammi. It is a hot chocolate with a lot of cream on top, cherry flavour sirup and chocolat sirup on top. It is an energy bomb, so don't take any cookies or cakes with it, enjoy it next time you are in some nice coffe shop.
I love having breakfast in the mornings. I really don't know what is so special about it.
I guess it can be a smell of a fresh coffee with hot milk,
grilled baguett with basque cheese or it is a feeling of a new start, a hope of a better day.
It can also be a recharged body after the night?
I am remembering the breakfasts that were served in my bed, when my husband was trying to impress me :) also, the breakfasts of my good girlfriend Irina, that would
warm danish round white bread in the owen with some good danish cheese and a lot of fruits or smoothies.
She is really spending a lot of time to prepare this first meal of a new day.
Also breakfasts at the Parisian cafes, with our friends, where we would have jougurt with honey, crispy croissants and fresh coffe au lait.
What about you? Do you have the same feeling or what is YOUR favourite meal of the day?