Sep 18, 2011

Journee du Patrimoine

Today was a special day in France, where you can visit all the museums, castles and special places for free. So, even though I would rather stay at home because of the little one, we went OUT! At the end of a day, we visited "La Valle de La Roche" the woman who owns this two hotels is a kindergarden teacher of Elizabeth. The place is amazing and worth visiting. I would love to go there some day...just for a week-end to relax in their open-air spa and have a breakfast in the new glamour suite.

1 comment:


yay, she is so pretty! hug her from me!
By the way, I've just found your blog and I have to say that I'm really happy that I did it :) your style is so chic! and your photos I just wonder..if we could follow each other.. But even if your answer is “no” I’ll be still your readerwith love,