Dec 29, 2011

It was this Christmas

This Christmas we spend at my husband parents place. Everybody got a lot of food and nice presents next day. Elizabeth got red boots and an armchair, Franck got Wii! Me, I got the gift card for shopping in my favourite shop :) Soon is New Year party...

Dec 22, 2011

What do YOU want for Christmas?

p.s. what do you guys think about this video`?
This is what I think about it:
#so american
#too sexy for kids

HA-HA! Mariah! You are sexy enough, stop showing your butt!!

Dec 11, 2011

Christmas soon! Cholet, december 2011

Christmas is actually only in 2 weeks! That means, there are a lot of Christmas markets all over. I love them! We enjoy looking at different hand crafts people are selling, eating outside and drinking hot drinks. Today we got our little christmas tree from the garden of my husbands father. It is just great! For Elizabeth it is a first Christmas, where she really understand what is going on :) For me, it is a nice feeling to decorate at home and looking forward for this evening of presents :)))

Nov 18, 2011

ветрянка, chickenpox or variselle

It is an ugly illness for a baby.
Read about it here

My daughter was sick from the 9th of November and only now, 18th of november, the dry blood from the spots are falling out.

My conclusions about treatment:

- do not wash a child untill the spots are dry
- do not put plasters on the spots, as they will not have a chance to dry
- forget about your work for 10 days at least :)

Nov 6, 2011

Nov 3, 2011


Ha-ha... what an ugly buildings around us, but okey... it is my Rodina ;) we look cool anyway...

Oct 24, 2011

Zoo Doue

Yes, it is possible to go to a zoo with two babies! Just take it easy and don´t think about difficulties :) when they will come, you can always solv them.
We had so much fun in this nice french BIOPARK

The most attracktive thing was, the biggest nest in Europe for birds. At the end of a visit they will always be giraffes!! ;)

Oct 17, 2011

Giveaway from My memories!

Dear friends!
I was introduced recently to this entertaning softwear of a scrap books MY MEMORIES, where you can create what ever you want. From calenders to a birthday invitation cards. It is so much fun to do it with your personal pictures! This Suit contains plenty of backgrounds, textures, fonts, animations and etc.

So, you can actually win this softwear through my post here! For free, you don´t have to pay anything and you are not subscribing for anything! I tried it and it worked for me, so you can trust me.

I want to share with you some discounts on the famouse softwear of working with your "memories" - pictures!!
This code STMMMS94915 provides a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store - $20 value!

Join them on FACEBOOK for a new giveaways and games!

Oct 9, 2011

First chilli day

Brr...just last week it was +30 C, today is sszzooo cold. In a way, it is good, you can take all your new clothes. Today, I noticed that purple color suits very well for this season. Next time I am thinking to do it in red ;)

Oct 6, 2011

Léon is almost 2 months

My babyboy is becoming more beatifull, bigger and easier for me as a mom. BUT, he does not like beauty salons, photo salons and when he is out of attention of mommie. Today he started to move on the side, to escape from the ass of Elizabeth. Elizabeth does not leave Léon for a second, she is following him every second. Today, I could really see the picture of future fights between them :))

xoxoxo, Sasha.

Oct 2, 2011

Flea market, loppemarket, vide grenier, блошиный рынок

I love to go to the flea markets, as all other women :) you can "buy" things, almost for free. First time I went to such market when I was living in Denmark, never tried in Russia or Estonia or USA. Today it was in France, just in our small town where we live recently. The market was full of toys for children, as we are living in a friendly area for children. The best buy of a day, this toy on the picture, for 3 EUR!